General, Projects


Recently, the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) launched Five Client Carbon Commitments – pledges relevant to commercial contractors which aim to help the construction sector to achieve Net Zero.

The Five Client Carbon Commitments are:

  1. Procure for low carbon construction and provide incentives in our contracts
  2. Set phase out dates for fossil fuel use
  3. Eliminate the most carbon intensive concrete products
  4. Eliminate the most carbon intensive steel products
  5. Adopt PAS 2080, Carbon Management in Infrastructure, as a common standard

The CLC encourages infrastructure companies to sign up to these pledges to signal, in a common language, their commitment to i) significantly cut their construction carbon emissions and ii) setting out their own roadmaps to achieve those commitments.

The CLC is also asking client organisations to commit to using PAS 2080, the standard for managing carbon in infrastructure, and to put carbon reduction at the heart of their procurement processes.

Mark Reynolds, Group Chairman and Chief Executive of Mace and Co-Chair of the Construction Leadership Council says: “We are now at an inflection point where wholesale changes, brought about through cross-industry collaboration, are the only way to meet the speed and scale that Net Zero 2050 demands. Our launch of CO₂nstructZero in 2020 and the success we’ve seen so far has shown the value of collective frameworks. Creating these commitments for infrastructure delivery will allow clients in our industry to pursue more sustainable outcomes in a coordinated way – helping us all work together across the sector to drive towards decarbonisation.”

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